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It is a project that was born with the initiative of the Labrador and Plumbago Workshop workshops in 2019, both dedicated to graphic arts, located in the city of Guanajuato, which arises with the idea of ​​extensively convening colleagues, who like we enjoy and live the trade, from the traditional to the contemporary language of printing, to carry out a graphic postal exchange, in this way, make a network of contacts between creators and learn about the various languages ​​that are being generated around graphics.

With a clear objective, it was decided to make a first call through the pages we created on social networks, proposing a specific theme that has changed year after year.
Currently the project has been presented in various forums and the folders generated have been exhibited in different exhibition spaces and it continues to grow constantly.

Our mission

The dissemination of the production of engraving and printing by contemporary artists and the training of audiences in the field of artistic heritage in the area of graphics.

The topics

About the theme

In each edition, different themes have been raised that could be the creative axis that motivates the participants to express their particular vision of said approach in their postal series. 

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